A classic BRM wheel reimagined with a “mag” style texture! As seen on the EMPI GTV II build, unveiled at SEMA, with a unique matte bronze finish, these killer new...


100% MONEY


Availability: 100 In Stock
Sku: 10-1126

A classic BRM wheel reimagined with a “mag” style texture! As seen on the EMPI GTV II build, unveiled at SEMA, with a unique matte bronze finish, these killer new wheels spin a cal look favorite into a new and fresh direction. These wheels are available in 15x5 or go staggered with a 15x6.5 rear wheel set for a totally different look. Sold in sets of 4. Choose 15x5 for all 4 wheels or pair up 15x5 with 15x6.5 rears for more beef!

Empi GT2 Mag Style BRM VW Wheels

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